Janet Harvell

lecturer sitting back in her chair

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Education

Children and Families

Contact Details

email: j.harvell@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 542626

Originally trained as a junior/secondary teacher Janet became interested in the early years when she became involved in the local preschool setting as a parent, volunteer helper and committee member. This then led to becoming an Associate Manager of a 44-place day nursery and also work as a freelance Ofsted Early Years Inspector. In 2000 she become involved in one of the first Sure Start trailblazer initiatives, setting up the first accredited Childminding Network in the Somerset, before working at an FE college for 11 years as Advanced Practitioner, Quality Reviewer, Programme Manager and tutor for the HND in Early Years, FdA in EY (SE) and the BA (Hons) EY EYCE. During this time, she was also involved in the delivery of the EYPS programme and was Project Manager of a Teaching Centre attached to the college, supporting collaborative practice across a cluster of early years settings.

Having lived, studied and worked abroad (Zambia, Malawi, Hong Kong, USA and Saudi Arabia) Janet has also developed a passion for developing a greater awareness and understanding of the impact that different societies and cultures can have on children and families. This is reflected in her specialist teaching areas and research into preschool provision in China. A commitment to the value of experiential learning resulted in her planning and leading an early years residential for students to Beijing in 2012 and a trip to Amsterdam in 2017. Janet is also committed to supporting an understanding of the refugee predicament and following visits to French refugee camp has written a number of articles in this area. She is currently involved in research into the impact that Corona virus and the lockdown has had on students and the settings that they volunteer/work in.


  • Worcester Teaching Award and Worcester Team Teaching Award (2017)
  • Academic Leadership Programme (2016)
  • Fellowship Higher Education Academy (FHEA) (2015)
  • PG Certificate in Learning and Teaching in HE (Distinction) (2015)
  • Certificate Team Leader (2015)
  • MA in Education: Early Years, Plymouth ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ (2013): 'The same or different? A comparative study of preschool provision in England and China.' 
  • Postgraduate Diploma: Education (Plymouth)
  • PGC CPD Early Years (Exeter)
  • BSc (Education)
  • City & Guilds 7307 Further and Adult Education Teachers Certificate
  • Assessor/Internal Verifier Awards D32,D33,D34
  • Diploma in Preschool Practice 
  • BSc Education (2004)

Teaching & Research

Janet currently teaches on the FdA Early Years (0-8)/FdA Early Years (0-8) (Professional Practice) Flexible programme and is module lead for FDEY1001: The Developing Child, and FDEY 2001: Childhood, a global perspective.

Teaching Interests

  • International Perspectives
  • Child development and the impact of social and cultural environments

Research Interests

  • The impact of Covid on the student, practitioner and children
  • International Early Years Education
  • Refugee focus
  • Widening participation
  • Student Transitions within HE

Professional Bodies

  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy
  • Member Sector Endorsed Foundation Degree in Early Years Midlands Region


Recent Publications

Harvell, J. & Prowle, A. (2019) Reflections on the lived experiences of refugee children in a French refugee camp. In Jain, P. & Savvides, N. (Eds) BERA Special Edition Research Intelligence.

Pence, A. & Harvell, J. (Eds) (2019) Volume 3 - Thinking About Pedagogy in Early Education: Pedagogies for Diverse Contexts. London: Routledge.

Xu, Q. & Harvell, J. (2019) Childcare. In Ritzer, G. & Rojek, C. (Eds) Wiley Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology,3rd Edition 2019

Harvell, J. & Ren, L. (2019) It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day … developing an Early Years workforce for a 21st century China. In Pence, A. & Harvell, J. (Eds). Volume 3 - Thinking About Pedagogy in Early Education: Pedagogies for Diverse Contexts. London: Routledge.

Harvell, J. & Prowle, A.  (2018) Supporting children's development in refugee camps, through play based provision. In Sengupta, E. & Blessinger, P.(Eds) Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society. US: Emerald Press

Harvell, J. (2017) The commitment of early years educators. Seekers Monthly Newsletter (November).  

Prowle, A. and Harvell, J. (2017) ‘Still Human’. In Nursery World–26.6.17 – 9.7.17 

Interview Education Today – 31.5.17 

 3 x Guest editorials during 2017: Prowle, and Harvell, J. in International Journal of Birth & Parent Education (January, April, July,):

  • The impact of the refugee experience on children’s development: Harvell, J. & Prowle, A. (2017) 4 (3).
  • Prowle, A. & Harvell, J. 4 (4) Play provision enhances the lives of children in refugee camps 
  • Prowle, A. & Harvell, J. Challenges of parenting in a refugee camp 4 (2) 

Stobbs, N., Harvell, J. and Reed, M (2017) Chapter 3: Developing pedagogical documentation within the EYFS curriculum framework in Fleet, A., Patterson, C. and Robertson, J. Eds. (2017) Pedagogical documentation in early years practice: Seeing through multiple perspectives. London: SAGE– Sage Publications.

Harvell, J. and Hodgkins, A.  (2017) Chapter 1: Preparing for ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ in Reading in Study for your Early Years Degree. Skills and knowledge for becoming an effective early years practitioner (Musgrave, J. Savin-Baden, M. & Stobbs, N. (Eds) Critical Publishing.

Harvell, J. (2017) Chapter 6: Referencing and Critical Reading in Study for your Early Years Degree. Skills and knowledge for becoming an effective early years practitioner (Musgrave, J. Savin-Baden, M. & Stobbs, N. (Eds) Critical Publishing

Harvell, J. (2008) Chapter: Unit 10 ‘ Student Book 3 ISBN-10: 1405868120 

Book Reviews

  • Routledge Publications 
  • Sage Publications


27 – 28 September 2018 – 2 day workshop at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Sussex: ‘Working with marginalized populations: What part can CHASE scholars play?’

14 March 2018 SEFDEY National Conferences and AGM – Exploring International Approaches to Early Childhood Care and Education: Presentation: ‘Reggio  and  Jenaplan;  the  familiar  and  unfamiliar:  Personal  reflections  on  visiting  two  alternative,  child-centred  approaches’.

29 August – 1 September 2017 – EECERA, Bologna; Presenting two papers:

‘A personal perspective on the refugee experience of children and families in the Dunkirk refugee camp’, and ‘Developing a teaching strategy to promote student awareness of the refugee crisis’.

Contributed to: Reed, M., Walker, R., Stobbs, N. and Harvell, J. ‘‘Voices and places of pedagogical documentation – beyond observation.’ – A UK based conceptualisation of pedagogical documentation.

22 June 2017 International Conference: Bridging the Global Education Gap – Chair of workshop:

Exploring the conceptions of disability held by indigenous secondary school students with disabilities Carly Christensen, ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Cambridge* Academics’ understandings and experiences of internationalisation of the curriculum at three universities Dr Nicola Savvides, Kings College, London

20 June 2017 CEC Conference

16 March 2017 – Janet Harvell and Alison Prowle  

11 February 2017 – Refugee Week Conference – Organiser and Welcome

28 June 2016 - Jackie Musgrave and Janet Harvell: ‘Health and wellbeing of refugee children: considerations for practice’ presented at the CEC Research Conference – Theme: Making our voices heard: children, families and practitioners

11-14 April 2016 - Nijmegen ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½, Netherlands – International Conference

July 2015 – ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Campus Suffolk – Children and Childhood Conference - Identity and Culture: A personal reflection on childhood in China

16 November 2015 – IoE Staff Development Day: Teaching Enhanced Learning Programme: PAT online workbook for flexible learners

2015 Children and Childhoods International Conference, ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Suffolk. ‘Identity and Culture: A personal reflection on childhood in China.

2014 EECERA International Conference (Crete) ‘The same … but different. A comparative study of kindergarten policy and practices in China and England’ (Individual Paper Presentation).

Summer Conference – Student reflections on the value of international residential to China, Bridgwater College (August 2012)

External Roles

2014-18 External Examiner: BA (Hons) Childhood Studies, Norwich City College

2016 External panel member for revalidation of BA Childhood Studies, Norland College.

2015 External panel member for revalidation of BA Education Studies, Middlesex  ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½

2012-2013 External Examiner: FdA Early Years – ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Gloucestershire

Independent Peer reviewer

August 2017 – Peer Review journal article for: International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy – Historical reflections on the evolution of care and education for Chinese children from birth to three: Exploring implications for enhanced quality.

July 2017 – Peer Review of chapters in Sengupta, E. & Blessinger, P. (Eds). (2018). Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society; US: Emerald Press

  • Chapter 1 – A restorative process in managing trauma
  • Chapter 2 - Non-formal Education Tacking the Challenge of Integration of Refugee Children
  • Chapter 3 – Refugee Health Care Professionals

Pre-Publication proposals reviewed

Endorsement provided for: Mentoring and Coaching in Early Childhood Education edited by Rosie Walker and Michael Gasper. (2019) Bloomsbury Publishing

‘Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education – McLeod, N & Daly, A. (2019) Sage‘

Encouraging physical development through movement play’ Archer and Siraj (2015)

Achieving success in your Ofsted Early Years Inspection’ Grenier (2014)

Play in Early Childhood from birth to six years’ Howard & Alderson (2014)