Dr Lefteris Kailoglou

Dr Lefteris Kailoglou

Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, English Language

English Media and Culture

Contact Details

email: e.kailoglou@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 855296

Dr Lefteris Kailoglou is the Course Leader for English Language. He has been working at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Worcester since 2011, and previously taught at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Essex and ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ of Sussex.

Lefteris currently teaches:

  • ELAN1100 General Linguistics
  • ELAN2200 Sociolinguistic Theory and Practice
  • ELAN2002 Language and Power
  • ELAN3010 Language Style and Identity
  • ELAN3004 World Englishes
  • ELAN3009 History of English

Lefteris has also been supervising a number of dissertations on sociolinguistic variation in Worcester as well as topics on language and identity. He has also been involved in the establishment of the Worcester dialect archive which is located within the Institute.The initial findings of the description of the local dialect of Worcestershire (but also Herefordshire) have now started becoming publicly available in conference papers and publications.


Teaching & Research

The focus of Lefteris's research is on the relation between language and subculture and how different groups of people construct their identity using specific stylistic features. It is inter-disciplinary in nature, drawing on ideas and theories from cultural studies, discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology and social theory in order to understand sociolinguistic variation.

His most recent work examines deviant linguistic choices (e.g. swearing, slang and neologism) within subcultural groups. Lefteris's current project is looking at the language of stand-up comedy from a similar perspective (namely the stylistic devices of deviance).

Professional Bodies

Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB)



Jeffries, Ella, Asprey, Esther & Lefteris Kailoglou (2022- accepted for publication), “First approaches to an underexplored dialect region: Trudgill’s Upper Southwest”, Dialectologia et Geolinguistica.

Kailoglou, Lefteris 2020- “Linguistic Constructions of Authenticity”, Journal of Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology. 2(4): 33-75.

Kailoglou, L. 2014 "Subculture and originality"; in Breyer, T., Lacoste, V. and Leimgruber, J. (eds.), Indexing Authenticity: Perspectives from Linguistics and Anthropology. Linguae & Litterae series, de Gruyter. 78-96.