Alumni Return to ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ for a Golden Reunion

Alumni Golden Reunion web

The Golden Reunion saw former classmates come together from across the Country to see how the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ has changed over the last five decades.

Bill Alloway, who organised the reunion, said: “It was a really lovely weekend to share stories and memories of our time and to see how much the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ has grown.”

Bill, who spent more than 35 years teaching at Bishop Perowne High School in Worcester, before retiring 10 years ago, said the group has been meeting regularly since 2000 but this was their first time to return as a group to the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½.

“There has been a lot of growth since we were here,” said Bill. “But it was nice to see some of the same buildings and to walk around and reminisce.”

They were taken on the tour by two current students, who told them about life on campus today.

“It was great to hear from the students about their experiences,” Bill said. “In all, it was a great weekend.”

Most of the group finished their studies at the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ in 1971 - with a few completing an extra year to study for a BEd degree - after training as teachers in a range of different subjects. They then dispersed across the Country to work in schools but have kept in touch with each other since.

Some of the memories collected by Bill after the visit included:

  • “Detours in any direction to avoid the smelly goat in the Rural Studies farm.”
  • “Fish and chip van coming to college on a Monday night during the first year.”
  • “Accommodation – 3rd year in the end room of a spur with ‘French doors’ that meant friends could come and go. And the trays from chocolate boxes stuck to the windows created a stained glass effect.”
  • “All meals provided by the college – Saturday evening – mixed grill! Delicious!”