ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Staff Donate Children’s Toys to Women’s Refuges

Christmas toy donation 2019

The annual campaign, organised by staff, saw a wide range of games, toys and gifts for all ages handed over to West Mercia Women’s Aid.

Jo Midgley, Worcestershire County Manager for West Mercia Women’s Aid, said: “It’s absolutely fantastic.  It means the world because we can give presents to children over Christmas and put toys in the play room and it makes for a happier Christmas all round.”

West Mercia Women’s Aid will distribute the toys to its two refuges in Worcestershire, which provide a safe place of shelter for women and children who have experienced domestic abuse.

Esther Dobson, Research and Knowledge Exchange Facilitator in the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½’s College of Arts, Humanities and Education, who was in charge of this year’s campaign, said: “This is the sixth year we have been running the Christmas present collection and it is always such a joy to be part of.  Staff have, as always, been very generous in their contributions, which we hope will really make a difference to those in local refuges this Christmas.”

Anyone who would like to donate to West Mercia Women’s Aid can log on to .